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How to Reset your Bose Soundbar 700 WiFi

How to Reset your Bose Soundbar 700 WiFi

If you’ve found yourself struggling with connectivity issues or other quirks with your Bose Soundbar 700’s WiFi setup, worry not! In this guide, we will find out how to reset your Bose Soundbar 700 WiFi effortlessly. So, let’s dive in!

The Importance of Resetting Your Bose Soundbar 700 WiFi

Before we delve into the nitty-gritty of the reset process, let’s understand why it’s crucial. Your Bose Soundbar 700’s WiFi is the gateway to a world of entertainment, from streaming music to enjoying your favorite movies. A stable WiFi connection ensures uninterrupted audio and video playback. Resetting it can resolve common issues like connectivity problems, forgotten networks, or firmware glitches.

Prepare for Resetting

Resetting your Bose Soundbar 700 WiFi isn’t a daunting task, but like any endeavor, preparation is key. Here’s what you need:

1. A Stable Power Supply

Ensure your soundbar is plugged in and receiving power. A sudden power cut during a reset can lead to complications.

2. The Bose Music App

Download and install the Bose Music app on your smartphone or tablet. This will be your trusty companion throughout the reset process.

3. A Paperclip or Pin

You’ll need this to access the reset button, which is usually located on the soundbar’s back panel.

The Step-by-Step Reset Guide

The Step-by-Step Reset Guide

Now that you’re prepared, let’s walk through the reset process step by step:

1. Locate the Reset Button

Using your paperclip or pin, find the reset button on the back of your Bose Soundbar 700. It’s typically a small, recessed button.

2. Press and Hold

Press the reset button and hold it for at least ten seconds. You’ll see the LED lights on the front of the soundbar blink amber. Keep holding until the lights turn white, indicating a successful reset.

3. Open the Bose Music App

Launch the Bose Music app on your device. If you haven’t set up your soundbar on the app yet, follow the on-screen instructions.

4. Reconnect to WiFi

Once your soundbar is recognized by the app, navigate to the WiFi settings. Select your home network and enter your WiFi password. Your soundbar will now reconnect to your WiFi network.

5. Test the Connection

Play some music or stream a video to test the WiFi connection. If everything’s working smoothly, congratulations, you’ve successfully reset your Bose Soundbar 700 WiFi!

Troubleshooting Tips

Sometimes, things don’t go as smoothly as we’d like. Here are some troubleshooting tips if you encounter issues during the reset:

1. Resetting Doesn’t Work

If the LED lights on your soundbar don’t turn white after holding the reset button for ten seconds, try the process again. Ensure you’re holding the button down long enough.

2. App Connectivity Issues

If the Bose Music app doesn’t recognize your soundbar, check if your device’s Bluetooth and location settings are enabled. Also, make sure your device is on the same WiFi network as your soundbar.

3. Forgotten WiFi Password

If you’ve forgotten your WiFi password, you can usually find it on your router or contact your Internet service provider for assistance.

When to Reset Your Bose Soundbar 700 WiFi

Resetting your soundbar should be a last resort. Consider a reset when:

1. Connectivity Issues Persist

If your soundbar frequently loses connection to your WiFi network, a reset might resolve the problem.

2. You Change Your WiFi Network

Moving to a new home or switching to a different WiFi network? A reset is necessary to reconfigure your soundbar.

3. Firmware Updates Fail

If your soundbar is having trouble with firmware updates, a reset can often clear the way for a successful update.


Your Bose Soundbar 700 is a gateway to audio bliss, and a stable WiFi connection is its lifeblood. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily reset your soundbar’s WiFi, ensuring a seamless entertainment experience. Remember, preparation is key, and troubleshooting is your ally in case of hiccups along the way. Now, go forth and enjoy your music and movies with crystal-clear sound!

Unique FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

FAQ 1: Is resetting my Bose Soundbar 700 WiFi the same as factory resetting it?

No, resetting your Bose Soundbar 700 WiFi only affects the WiFi settings. Factory resetting, on the other hand, restores the soundbar to its original factory settings, erasing all customizations and connections.

FAQ 2: How often should I reset my soundbar’s WiFi?

You should only reset your soundbar’s WiFi when you encounter persistent connectivity issues or when you change your WiFi network.

FAQ 3: Will resetting my soundbar delete my saved preferences and settings?

No, resetting the WiFi settings won’t affect your soundbar’s other preferences and settings. It only clears the WiFi network information.

FAQ 4: What if I don’t have the Bose Music app? Can I still reset the soundbar?

The Bose Music app is recommended for an easier reset process, but if you don’t have it, you can still manually reset the soundbar using the physical reset button.

FAQ 5: My soundbar still has WiFi issues after resetting. What should I do?

If resetting doesn’t resolve the problem, consider contacting Bose customer support for further assistance. There may be underlying issues that require professional attention.