Home » Why Can’t You Update Your Bose Soundbar 700? Troubleshooting and Solutions

Why Can’t You Update Your Bose Soundbar 700? Troubleshooting and Solutions

Why Can't You Update Your Bose Soundbar 700?

Is your Bose Soundbar 700 refusing to budge when it comes to updates? You’re not alone. Many users have encountered this perplexing issue. But fear not, we’re going to figure out the possible reasons why you can’t update your Bose Soundbar 700. Let us also look into troubleshooting steps and provide you with effective solutions to get your soundbar up to date and performing at its best.

Understanding the Importance of Updates

Before we embark on our troubleshooting journey, it’s crucial to understand why updates for your Bose Soundbar 700 are so important. Just like any other piece of technology, your soundbar’s software requires regular updates to stay optimized, secure, and equipped with the latest features. These updates can include bug fixes, performance enhancements, and even new streaming service integrations.

Common Reasons for Update Failures

Several factors could be causing your Bose Soundbar 700 to resist updates. Let’s break down some of the common culprits:

1. Network Connection Issues

A weak or unstable internet connection can be the primary reason your soundbar can’t update. Ensure your Wi-Fi is stable and that the soundbar is properly connected to your network.

2. Insufficient Storage

Updates often require available storage space. If your soundbar’s internal storage is full, it may not be able to download and install the latest updates.

3. Software Glitches

Sometimes, temporary software glitches can interfere with the update process. These glitches might resolve themselves with a simple reboot.

4. Server Problems

Occasionally, the issue might not be on your end but on Bose’s servers. Server outages or maintenance can prevent updates from being downloaded.

Troubleshooting Steps

Now, let’s delve into the troubleshooting steps to resolve the update issue:

1. Check Your Internet Connection

Ensure your Wi-Fi network is stable and that the soundbar is connected. You can also try resetting your router to rule out any network issues.

2. Free Up Storage

If your soundbar’s storage is full, remove unnecessary files or apps to free up space. Updates typically require some room to install.

3. Restart Your Soundbar

A simple restart can sometimes fix software glitches. Power off your soundbar, wait a minute and then power it back on.

4. Update Manually

If automatic updates aren’t working, you can try updating your soundbar manually. Go to the Bose website, find your soundbar model, and follow the instructions for manual updates.

5. Check for Server Issues

Visit the Bose support website or their social media channels to check if there are any ongoing server issues that might be affecting updates.

6. Contact Customer Support

If all else fails, don’t hesitate to reach out to Bose customer support. They can provide personalized assistance and further guidance.

Preventing Future Update Issues

Preventing Future Update Issues

Once you’ve resolved the update problem, it’s wise to take steps to prevent it from happening again:

1. Keep Your Soundbar Connected

Make sure your soundbar remains connected to the internet, so it can automatically receive updates as they become available.

2. Monitor Storage

Regularly check your soundbar’s storage space and remove unnecessary files to keep it from running out of space for updates.

3. Stay Informed

Keep an eye on Bose’s official communication channels for news about updates and any potential issues. Being informed can help you act promptly.

4. Regularly Restart

Consider restarting your soundbar every once in a while to prevent software glitches from accumulating.

5. Update Promptly

When you receive an update notification, don’t delay. Promptly install the update to ensure your soundbar is always up to date.


In the world of technology, updates are the lifeblood that keeps your devices performing at their best. When you can’t update your Bose Soundbar 700, it can be frustrating, but with the troubleshooting steps and preventive measures outlined in this guide, you can overcome this challenge. Remember to stay connected, keep an eye on your storage, and don’t hesitate to seek help from Bose’s customer support when needed. Your soundbar will be rocking the latest features in no time!


1. How often should I update my Bose Soundbar 700?

  • It’s a good practice to install updates as soon as they become available. Check for updates regularly to ensure optimal performance.

2. Can I update my soundbar using a USB drive?

  • No, Bose Soundbar 700 updates are typically delivered over the internet. There’s no provision for updating via USB.

3. Will updating my soundbar erase my settings?

  • Generally, no. Updates should not erase your settings. However, it’s a good idea to note down your settings just in case.

4. What if my soundbar still won’t update after following all the troubleshooting steps?

  • If you’ve exhausted all options and the update problem persists, contact Bose customer support for specialized assistance.

5. Do updates add new features to the Bose Soundbar 700?

  • Yes, updates can introduce new features, improve performance, and fix bugs, so it’s beneficial to keep your soundbar up to date.